Established in 2001, Linc Group was formed by a group of experts with decades of experience in supply chain. Currently, Linc Group has developed into a large company and offers Supply Chain Solutions, that include dry warehouses, liquid warehouses (liquid terminals), domestic distribution (land and sea), and export-import cargo shipping services. By the end of 2015, we expanded our services to the e-commerce enabler & fulfillment business.
Throughout the years, Linc Group’s growth was driven by our customer’s unique characteristics and needs. By analyzing and understanding companies of various complexities and multiple factors, we can broaden and develop our competencies to provide the best and most effective solutions. We continuously learn from our customer best practices to deliver the right solutions to meet our customer’s growth objectives.
At Linc Group, we focus on reducing all your challenges and focusing on your strengths for better growth of your business. A strategic partnership is born.
Be the leading integrated supply chain partner that understands you
Delivering sustainable value to customers, employees, shareholders, society, and environment
Improving customers’ performance by delivering hassle free services through people with the right expertise and utilizing the best use of technology
Core Values
We adhere to high ethical standard
We recognize and reward creativity
We commit to excellence, accountability, and responsibility in every role performance
We treat people with respect
We serve our customers in the best way
We work as a team to achieve the same Goal
Nilai Inti
Kami mematuhi standar etika yang tinggi
Kami berkomitmen untuk unggul, akuntabilitas dan tanggung jawab dalam setiap peran kinerja
Kami melayani pelanggan kami dengan cara yang terbaik
Kami memperhatikan dan menghargai kreativitas
Kami memperlakukan orang dengan hormat
Kami bekerja sebagai tim untuk mencapai tujuan bersama
We strive continuously to become your best solution and long term Supply Chain Partner
Begin with optimal service, currently we have several certificates dedicated for Linc Group.
ISO 45001:2018
Occupational Health and Safety Management System
Ensures the commitment to implement, maintain and improve the health and safety obligation
ISO 14001:2015
Environmental Management System
Ensures the ability to control the activities that have an effect on the environment.
ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management System
Ensures the ability to meet the needs and expectation of customers
Inventory Management Solutions with Error-Free Performance
Highly Efficient Road and Domestics Sea Transport and Distribution
Excellent Services that Link Every Need for Export and Import
Asset-Based Tank Farms for Liquid Storage and Handling
Trusted Fulfillment Services to Boost Online Businesses
Board of Directors
Jimmy Masrin
President Director of Linc Group
Indonesian Citizen, was born in 1963, domiciled in Jakarta, Indonesia. Earned Bachelor of Arts from University of Oklahoma, United States in 1985 and Master of International Management from The American Graduate School of International Management (Thunderbird), Arizona, United States in 1987.
He started his career as Marketing Management in Dauphin Technology, Lombard, Illinois. He joined with Lautan Luas Group as Vice President Director in 1989 at subsidiaries until appointed as the Company’s Director in 1990, and assigned as Managing Director since 1996 until 2007, and Vice President Director since 2007.
Currently, he also serves as Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors members in some companies under Lautan Luas Group. As the President Director of Linc Group, he plays an important and active role in carrying out the company’s strategy in developing Linc Group’s new business.
Soewandhi Soekamto
Vice President Director of Linc Group
Indonesian Citizen, was born in 1966, domiciled in Jakarta, Indonesia. Soewandhi earned Bachelor in Chemical Engineering from Oregon State University, United States in 1990.
He joined with Lautan Luas Group in 1991 as Sales Executive and assigned in several positions, among others, Sales Manager (1996 – 2000), Marketing Manager (2000 – 2003), and Head of Strategic Business Unit from 2003 until 2006. He is appointed as Commercial Director in the Company since 2007, who is responsible for the Company’s sales and marketing activities as well as ensuring the sustainable growth of the Company’s market share.
Currently, he also serves as Vice President Director of Linc Group.
Subakti Setiawan
Managing Director Linc Group
Indonesian Citizen, was born in 1974, domiciled in Jakarta, Indonesia. Subakti Setiawan was one of the best graduates from the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. Seriously took chemical engineering major made him graduate with Cum Laude. After graduating, Subakti began to pursue his career at PT. Lautan Luas, Tbk. by serving as Sales Executive in 1997. In the following years, Subakti was trusted to serve as Field Sales Manager (2000), Sales Manager (2001), Executive Manager (2003) in the same company.
Thanks to his tenacity and dedication, Subakti was given a mandate as President Director of PT. Lautan Sweetener Indonesia (LSI) in 2015. Finally, in 2017, he was entrusted with the role of Managing Director in Linc Group (PT. Cipta Mapan Logistik).
Chief Financial Officer of Linc Group
Yulie is an experienced finance and accounting professional with over 15 years of experience in the field. Born in 1980 in Indonesia, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting Economics from Tarumanagara University, Jakarta.
Throughout her career, Yulie has demonstrated her expertise in leading and managing finance teams in various positions in reputable companies. She has held various senior positions at PT Lautan Luas Tbk, including Head of Corporate Credit Risk Management, Finance Controller, and Project Manager.
Yulie is known as a leader with high motivation, dedication, and strong analytical abilities. She is committed to making significant contributions to the organization. Her skills and experience make her a valuable asset to Linc Group.
Since 2024, she has been entrusted with the role of Chief Financial Officer at Linc Group.